Carol Wilder

“Cybernetic Frontier of the Soul”
in Living Northern California 1975-1995. WTW Media 2023, pp. 113-30.
Rigor & Imagination, Praeger 1981
“What Would Bateson Say? Ecology of Mind in Feminist Art: Mierle Laderman Ukeles”
Paper presented at the College Art Association, New York, February 2017.
“Reading Beyond the Lines: Bateson and Burke Made Easy”
paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, November 2014.
“Remembering Gregory Bateson”
(2014) Kybernetes, Fall 2014.
“Remembering Gregory Bateson”
Video/Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cybernetics, Monterey, CA, July 2012.
“Asilomar at 30: Reflections on the Legacy of Gregory Bateson.”
Presenter and panel chair at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Chicago, November 2009